Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Alien (1979)

Date Watched: Tuesday 11th February 2014

Kam: It’s hard to write about a film that is so well known and that we've all seen so many times already. All I can say really is that my opinion hasn't changed- it’s still awesome in its slow and creeping way. Unfortunately, on viewing this time, I was distracted quite heavily by the arrival of my new Gopro camera so my attention wasn't fully on the film. I know, I know, shame on me.
Despite this, I still managed to pay far more attention to it then Hannah did who was fast asleep for about 75% of it. I will remember this for when we come to watch one of her titles such as Twilight or the dreaded Sex and the City, I will survive by having a nap.
In a nutshell- In space, no one can hear Hannah snore.

Hannah: As Kam repeatedly pointed out, I did fall asleep during this film. I stayed awake long enough to watch the alien rip out of John Hurt’s belly, and then dosed all the way until Ripley’s prancing around in her underwear.
It’s definitely not one of my favourites, probably because it’s very slow, and I really don’t care that everyone dies.
Kam; unfortunately you will have to remain awake for ‘dreaded Twilight’ because you haven’t seen it yet… I have already seen Alien. These are the rules.
It’s hardly my fault that I was not entertained, and that by skipping the middle part all I missed was uninteresting characters creeping around a spaceship. Pretty impressed with Jones’ acting however, he can have 5 stars. I was also a bit horrified that it might be possible to kill someone by shoving a rolled up magazine in their mouth.


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