Thursday, 27 February 2014

Alien 3 (1992)

Date Watched: Friday 21st February 2014

KamI’m always going to be forgiving to Alien 3 as it was made by David Fincher, my joint favourite director.  Given that Alien 3 is known to have suffered problems during production with the first time director not being given total control, it’s not surprising that it’s not very good but I would always argue that there are some flashes of good in there as a result of Fincher’s influence and style.

It feels almost like a remake of Alien. It’s slow and isolated and there is only one Xenomorph providing Ripley with a headache (or should that be chest ache?). The most interesting part of this film is Ripley’s character development. She’s no longer the reluctant heroine of the first two instalments, rather she is now a confident and focused leader taking charge of a group of supposedly tough and dangerous men when they prove to be pretty useless in comparison.

That’s it really, not a lot to say. It’s not great but it has interesting parts and thankfully Fincher went on to do much much much better things!

In a nutshell- Better then Alien vs Predator

HannahThe beginning with everyone from the previous film being dead was a bit sloppy/lazy. And the Alien/Dog CGI thing? Terrible.  
I loved the shaven head look. However I didn’t realise the reason for the look was so ridiculous… a rampant head lice epidemic. If everyone on the planet has a shaven head,  where are these lice hiding? Maybe they should be shaving other areas.

I’m not sure of the unnecessary Tywin Lannister bonking either… Although that at least explains the medieval setting.


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